Paediatric Spine

What are growing rods?
Growing rods are metal rods attached to the spine in an operation, that allow for continued growth of the spine. They are effectively an internal brace system to stabilise the spine, providing partial correction and stopping the curve from progressing. The rods are put in from the back of the spine and attached to the spine above and below the curve. The curve is partially corrected during the first operation.
Who needs growing rods?
Children who develop scoliosis early in life are still growing. Most surgery to correct scoliosis involves fusion of the spine, therefore stopping its growth, so this cannot be done on young children as their spines are still developing.
If the spine is fused and the child is still growing, the ‘crank-shaft phenomenon’ could occur. This is when the front of the spine continues to grow, resulting in further rotation and curvature of the spine.

How often do the rods need lengthening?
The child returns every six months to a year to have the rods lengthened to keep up with the natural growth of the spine, whilst directing the growth into a more ‘normal’ line. This is a smaller operation, under general anaesthetic, and the child is usually in hospital just one or two nights.
Are there any problems associated with the rods?
Having growing rods does mean repeated surgical procedures and hospital admissions. There is also the risk that rods can break, although with development of instrumentation this is becoming less common. Most children will have to wear a brace to protect the instrumentation.
Will the growth rods always be there?
When the child becomes older and reached their growth potential, the growth rods will be removed and the surgeon will perform a spinal fusion operation.
Contact us
- Ward 22
Telephone: 01642 854522 (24 hours) - PCCU
Telephone: 01642 854667 (24 hours) - Mr Zak Choudhury’s secretary
Telephone: 01642 835564 - Mr Prasad Karpe’s secretary
Telephone: 01642 854311 - Ms Toni Isaacson’s secretary
Telephone: 01642 850850, extension 55310 - Cheryl Honeyman, Nurse Specialist
Telephone: 01642 850850 extension 56266
Mobile number: 0793 536 1881
Email: [email protected] - General enquiries
Email: [email protected]
Patient experience
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T: 01642 835964
E: [email protected]
The James Cook University Hospital, Marton Road, Middlesbrough, TS4 3BW.
Telephone: 01642 850850