District Nursing Service

The District Nursing team consists of:
- Matron – navy uniform with red piping
- Clinical Lead, Sister or Charge Nurse – navy uniform with white piping
- Community Staff Nurse – pale blue uniform with white piping
- Nursing Associate – grey and white pinstripe uniform
- Assistant Practitioner – grey uniform with red piping
- Health Care Assistant – burgundy uniform with white piping
- Phlebotomist – white uniform with turquoise piping
The team is made up of District Nursing Sisters or Charge Nurses qualified in District Nursing. Supported by:
- Community Staff Nurses
- Nursing Associates
- Health Care Assistants
- Phlebotomists
The team will make every effort to meet your needs. If we cannot give you the information you need, we will refer you to the appropriate member of the multi-disciplinary health care team with your consent. The team work closely with:
- GPs
- Hospitals
- Social Services
- Community Mental Health Nurses
- Specialist Nurses
- Falls team
- Allied Health Professionals
- Urgent Community Response
- Care and Voluntary Agencies
During our visit?
We will introduce ourselves to you and display our identity badge. We will only enter your home when specifically invited in. If you have any domestic pets, please ensure that these where possible are put into another room during the nurse visit. The Trust operates a no smoking policy.
Please refrain from smoking whilst the nurse is in your home.
Your nursing needs and plan of care
A member of the district nursing team will carry out a comprehensive assessment of your nursing needs and discuss with you and your relative or carer how we plan to care for you.
We will encourage your input into your
plan of care and include your wishes where possible. Information you give us will be treated confidentially and will be documented in your electronic patient record.
The District Nurse or Community Staff Nurse will create an individualised care plan based on your needs. We provide care to patients including:
- Administration of medicines
- Palliative care supporting patients and families at home at end of life
- Wounds and pressure ulcer care
- Clinical tests and diagnostics
- Support for patients and families with long term conditions
- Administration of Intravenous medication
- Care of percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG’s)
Care of complex drains
The District Nurse may discuss with you any equipment which may need to be brought into your home, so care can be given safely and effectively both for you, your carer and the health care workers involved.
What is house bound?
Unable to leave your home environment through a physical and or psychological illness.
A patient is not house bound if they are able to leave their home environment with minimal assistance for example, unassisted or assisted visits to, doctor, dentist, hairdresser, supermarket, bingo, public house etc.
What we don’t do
We are unable to offer collection or delivery of medication or medication administration charts. If you are prescribed a medication by a medical professional, such as your GP, then it is you, your family, or your carers responsibility to obtain this along with the medication administration chart. Only in exceptional circumstances, this may be reviewed.
If you feel you would like a chaperone, please discuss with your visiting nurse prior to the procedure. To accommodate this your visit may need to be rescheduled. A carer, friend or relative is welcome to support you during procedures.
Contact us
If you live in Hambleton and Richmondshire please contact:
Community Nursing Single Point of Access Team
Monday to Sunday, 8.00 until 18.00
Telephone: 01609 764407, Out of hours, please use the same number and your call will be triaged by an on call team.
If you live in Middlesbrough or Redcar and Cleveland please contact:
Community Nursing Single Point of Access Team
Monday to Sunday, 8.00 until 20.00
Telephone: 01642 065 070, Out of hours, please use the same number and your call will be triaged by an on call team.
Middlesbrough – Email: [email protected]
Redcar and Cleveland – Email: [email protected]
Patient experience
South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust would like your feedback. If you wish to share your experience about your care and treatment or on behalf of a patient, please contact The Patient Experience Department who will advise you on how best to do this.
This service is based at The James Cook University Hospital but also covers the Friarage Hospital in Northallerton, our community hospitals and community health services.
To ensure we meet your communication needs please inform the Patient Experience Department of any special requirements, for example; braille or large print.
T: 01642 835964
E: [email protected]