What is talipes?
Talipes affects approximately 1 in 1000 births, and half of these babies are affected in both feet.
Talipes seems to affect more boys than girls. We don’t really know why it happens. It can run strongly in families.

Talipes feet need treatment using a technique called Ponseti. This is where we hold the foot in a gently stretched position with a plaster cast.
This cast is changed once per week, and generally, we need around 6 weeks to correct the foot. Some babies need a minor procedure to release the tight tendon at the back of the heel.

While your baby is in cast, you can top and tail wash them at home. They can have a lovely bath when they come to clinic each week. We can weigh your baby in clinic.
Maintenance of a corrected foot
Once we have moved your baby’s foot into a corrected position, we need to keep it there. This is the most important phase of the whole treatment. We will provide your baby with a pair of boots connected to a bar.

Once your baby comes out of cast, baby needs to wear boots and bar, for 23 hours per day for 12 weeks. They can be removed for bathing and tummy time.
After the first twelve weeks the future of full time wear, the boots and bars are worn for 12 hours per night, until the age of 5 years. This stops the foot turning back in. It is important to keep your child in a routine.
The future

A child with Talipes can live a normal lifestyle, riding a bike, climbing a tree and running and jumping like their friends.
We will be there to support you at every step of your journey.