Meet the team

Team behind the trust's Macmillan cancer family history

Allison McSorley

Clinical lead

Having worked within the cancer family history service for the last five years, and the trust for over 27 years, Alison McSorley is the service’s clinical lead.

Her nursing career began in the late 1990’s and the most rewarding aspect for her is the ability to create a meaningful connection with my patients.

Elizabeth Drake

Genetic risk asessment practitioner

Since joining the trust in 2013 as an operating department practitioner, Elizabeth has worked across critical care services and joined the cancer family history service in 2023.

Her role involves providing support and information to families affected by cancer. She provides a risk assessment for family members and access to appropriate early screening and possible genetic testing.

Elizabeth also offers education and support to clinical areas regarding genetic testing, gene faults and referral into the service.

Jacqueline Patton

Information coordinator

Jackie offers support and advice to families and works to build and investigate family histories. She uses information to draw family trees in order for families to be risk assessed.

Lynn Brass

Information coordinator

Claire Savory


Claire Savory is responsible for providing administrative support to the team.

Jessica Dales
