What is PSIRF?
To support the NHS to further improve patient safety, all trusts are introducing the new Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF).
It is a key part of the NHS Patient Safety Strategy which was published in July 2019 and aims to; help the NHS to improve its understanding of safety by drawing insight from patient safety incidents and outlines how NHS trusts should respond following the occurrence of a patient safety incident.
PSIRF was developed nationally to respond more effectively to patient safety incidents and further improve the quality and safety of the care we provide through learning from patient safety incidents.
It has replaced the Serious Incident Framework (2015) and represents a significant shift in the way the NHS responds to patient safety incidents.
It supports the development and maintenance of an effective patient safety incident response system that integrates four key aims:
Compassionate engagement and involvement of those affected by patient safety incidents
Application of a range of system-based approached to learning from patient safety incidents
Considered and proportionate responses to patient safety incidents
Supportive oversight focused on strengthening response system functioning and improvement
The benefits
This framework has seen the trust move away from the Serious Incident Framework to a new approach to incident management which focuses on the learning and improvement of processes and systems, rather than focusing on individual blame.
The introduction of PSIRF ensures that everyone (our staff, patients and their families) are included and supported in the process and treated fairly.
For more information, please visit the NHS England PSIRF website.