As the annual Stoptober campaign to encourage people to quit smoking kicks off in October, tobacco dependency treatment lead, Maria Taylor is reminding our patients of the resources and help available at South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
The trust, which runs The James Cook University Hospital, the Friarage Hospital and community locations across the northeast region, has an opt-out tobacco dependency treatment service (TDTS) that aims to treat inpatients identified as smokers in our hospitals – offering free alternatives such as nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) during their hospital stay.
Once the patient is discharged, they can also be prescribed two weeks of NRT on their discharge prescription and can also be referred to the community smoking cessation service to continue their journey to quit smoking.
Maria said:
We understand that smoking is not a lifestyle choice but a serious addiction. However, we are here to support patients who wish to quit smoking.”
Inpatients just need to ask a staff member for help and they will refer them to the TDTS team. Moreover, they can also seek support to quit smoking by self-referring via the social prescribing referral form.
Maria is also urging pregnant smokers to get in touch with the maternity tobacco dependency treatment team.

She added: “Pregnant smokers risk the health of their unborn child as their babies may be born with weaker lungs than other babies, low birth weight and are three times more likely to die from sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).”
If you are a pregnant smoker, please ask a member of staff for support and they will be able to refer you instantly to our team. Taking this positive step will ensure you and your unborn child’s health is safe and free from the harmful effects of smoking.
Sign up to quit smoking today this Stoptober and remember you don’t have to do it alone. Search #Stoptober to find out more.