Therapeutic support volunteers @ South Tees

Under the umbrella of Therapeutic Support @ South Tees, we have over 500 volunteers providing support within the organisation.
Volunteers within this team include:
- Administration volunteers
- Chaplaincy volunteers
- Dragonfly volunteers
- Friends of the Friarage volunteers
- Holistic centre volunteers
- Macmillan volunteers
- Meet and greet volunteers
- Neonatal volunteers
- Pharmacy volunteers
- Therapeutic care volunteers (TCVs)
- Wayfinder volunteers
All volunteers are recruited, inducted and supported by our therapeutic care support administration team during their volunteer experience. This service allows volunteers to feel valued and supported within their roles and ensures that safe practice is being maintained throughout the voluntary services.
Why do people volunteer in the hospital?

To give something back to the trust after previous hospital experience as a patient/carer or relative which impacted on a person’s life, either directly or indirectly.
It makes a difference to the lives of others
Provide support and help for others
To feel valued and to be part of a team
To spend quality time away from your everyday life
It helps to gain confidence and improve self-esteem
To gain new skills, knowledge and experience
To help develop existing skills and knowledge
To meet new people and make new friends within a friendly community
A chance to socialise
Volunteering is a valuable means to supporting career development for those hoping to gain valuable experience in order to pursue a career in health.
Get involved
Volunteering applications – please contact the team on 01642 835863 or [email protected]
Work experience applications – please contact the team on 01642 835861 or [email protected]