Eye Day Unit
Please follow these simple instructions to promote a full recovery
You must lie flat on your back, only getting up for meals or the toilet for
Rest for the remainder of the day
Your shield should remain in place until the following morning.
If it falls off replace it using ordinary sellotapeDo not rub your eye
Your eye will feel gritty for approximately one month
If you have any discomfort, take your usual painkillers
On the first morning after operation remove your shield and dressing. If your eye lids are slightly sticky, use some cooled boiled water to gently bathe the eye
Commence your prescribed eye drops
Wear your plastic shield at night for one week. This prevents you damaging your eye whilst sleeping
Use clean paper tissues to dab underneath you eye. Do not use your handkerchief
Do not go to the swimming baths for at least two months. Wear goggles when resuming swimming
You must meet the DVLA guidelines to drive (you must be able to read the number plate at 20.5 metres)
No smoking and avoid passive smoking
No strenuous activity for one month
Your own GP will be informed about your operation.
An appointment has been made for you to be seen in the eye outpatients department on:
A further appointment will be sent in the post to your home address.
Contact us
If you have any problems please contact:
• Eye day unit on 01642 854556
• Eye casualty on 01642 854096
Patient experience
South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust would like your feedback. If you wish to share your experience about your care and treatment or on behalf of a patient, please contact The Patient Experience Department who will advise you on how best to do this.
This service is based at The James Cook University Hospital but also covers the Friarage Hospital in Northallerton, our community hospitals and community health services.
To ensure we meet your communication needs please inform the Patient Experience Department of any special requirements, for example; braille or large print.
T: 01642 835964
E: [email protected]