Children and Young People’s Surgical Day Unit
Your child has been admitted to the Children and Young People’s Surgical Day Unit for a procedure called an arthroscopy. This surgery is used to both diagnose and treat problems with joints.
This information leaflet provides you with advice and guidance once your child is fit to be discharged home.
Wound care
The site of the operation will be covered with a small dressing and sometimes a bandage. If in place, you can remove the outer bandage after 48 hours. Please leave the sticky dressings on until instructed to remove them (normally seven to ten days).
Your child’s wound site should be observed for signs of infection such as:
- Excessive swelling.
- Redness around the plaster or dressing.
- Pain.
- Your child develops a temperature.
- Discharge is yellow with an unpleasant smell.
Please contact the hospital if you notice any of the symptoms above.
The nurse or surgeon will advise when normal bathing can be resumed.
Managing pain
Please follow the directions on your bottles. DO NOT give your child more than the stated doses.
Ice packs can help to relieve discomfort and reduce swelling but do not apply ice directly to the skin.
Please encourage your child to keep the affected limb elevated while resting.
Even with the pain relief medication it may still be sore.
- It is important to encourage your child to bend their knee after surgery as they are able, do not force any movements during this time.
- Your child will need to rest his or her leg and not stand for long periods.
- Encourage your child to follow post-operative exercise instructions if you are given these.
- Your child should be able to return to school after a week.
Follow up
You may be asked to attend a follow-up appointment following the operation. This appointment will be sent to you by post.
Who can I contact for advice?
If you are concerned in any way about your child,
please contact us for advice.
- Children and Young People’s Surgical Day Unit
Telephone: 01642 854927
(Monday to Friday, 7.30am until 19.00pm).
Email: [email protected] - Ward 22
Telephone: 01642 854522 (24 hours).
Patient experience
South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust would like your feedback. If you wish to share your experience about your care and treatment or on behalf of a patient, please contact The Patient Experience Department who will advise you on how best to do this.
This service is based at The James Cook University Hospital but also covers the Friarage Hospital in Northallerton, our community hospitals and community health services.
To ensure we meet your communication needs please inform the Patient Experience Department of any special requirements, for example; braille or large print.
T: 01642 835964
E: [email protected]
The James Cook University Hospital, Marton Road, Middlesbrough, TS4 3BW.
Telephone: 01642 850850