Who is responsible for my care?
All patients diagnosed with a blood disorder are cared for by a multidisciplinary team (MDT) of healthcare professionals.
The team consists of the following people:
- Consultant haematologist
A doctor who specialises in blood disorders - Registrar
A doctor who specialises in blood disorders and is training to be a consultant haematologist - Key worker
A healthcare professional, most often a clinical nurse specialist, who is to be your first point of contact if you have any queries or are in need of support - Specialist nurse
A senior nurse who takes responsibility for co-ordinating your care and providing you with information, advice and support. The nurse is often referred to as a ‘key worker’ and is your link to the team. You will be given a telephone number so you can contact your key worker directly. - Radiologist
A doctor who specialises in x-ray, ultrasound and other similar examinations and reports on the findings to help your consultant decide on the best treatment for you. - Histopathologist
A doctor who examines cell or tissue samples under the microscope. - Oncologist
A doctor who specialises - Clinical trials practitioner
A healthcare professional who is involved in running clinical trials. If there is a clinical trial available that you may be eligible for, the clinical trials practitioner will meet you and ask if you would like to participate in the trial. They also co-ordinate and ensure a smooth running of the clinical trial. - MDT co-ordinator
A healthcare professional who organises the team meetings.
What is the MDT and what do they do?
Following your recent diagnosis of a haematological disorder, you will receive support and treatment from the haematology team. The team consists of doctors, nurses and other professionals who work together to provide an assessment and plan for your care that is appropriate for you.
Due to the complex nature of many blood disorders, there may be a number of investigations and treatment options available; more than one specialist is likely to be involved in your care. It is essential that everyone involved in the assessment and planning of your care can share their expertise and understanding about your case.
You will not personally meet all the members of this team.
The MDT meets every Wednesday afternoon and includes healthcare professionals from both South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and the University Hospital of North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust.
During the meetings all your scans, test results and general wellbeing will be discussed. This helps the team to recommend treatment choices they feel will best meet your needs. They will also decide if it would be useful to involve any other professionals in your care.
Occasionally due to the need for more urgent treatment, we may begin your treatment before an MDT meeting. This decision will be based on clinical need and will be made by your consultant (always after discussion with another consultant). In such cases your tests and treatment will be discussed at the next available meeting.
How will I be told about the outcome of this meeting?
You will usually be given an appointment within seven days to come back to the hospital to discuss the outcome of this meeting. During this appointment, staff will involve you in deciding which treatment plan is best for you. Once you have decided on your treatment plan you will be offered the opportunity to receive some written information. This is often in the form of a copy letter which explains these discussions.
If you have not been given an appointment or if you are not sure how you will be told the outcome of this meeting, please contact your key worker. In some cases you may be informed by your doctor or key worker over the telephone as long as this has been agreed by yourselves.
The team is here to support you and your family. You will be given as much time as you need to consider your treatment choices before making a decision. If you choose not to have certain treatments your decision will be respected. This will not affect the care you receive.You should talk to your doctor or nurse if you have any questions or worries.
Where can I find additional information, advice and support about my condition?
The professionals involved in your care will provide you with verbal and written information during your treatment and your key worker should normally be your first point of contact if you need information about your care.
Having a blood disorder can affect you and your family both during and after treatment. If you do not understand something about your diagnosis, treatment or have any worries about finances, relationships, work issues then do not hesitate to contact your key worker.
Your key worker will also assess and help formulate a care plan using a holistic assessment tool. This will help identify any concerns you may have. You will be given a separate information booklet regarding your holistic wellbeing.
General information
If you have a concern or query about the care you or your relative is receiving or any aspect of our service, please raise it immediately with a member of the health care team.
We hope you find this information leaflet helpful; please share it
with your family and friends. It is very important that they feel well informed too.
If you would like to make any comments or suggestions so that our next edition can be improved further, please contact our liaison department (telephone 01642 282484) or speak to a member of your health care team.
Contact numbers
If you need any further advice, or have any worries, please contact:
Haematology specialist nurses at James Cook
- Outreach – 01642 835748
- Clinical nurse specialist
Sister Walker and team 01642 835748
Sister Strong 01642 856559
Haematology specialist nursing team at the Friarage
Telephone – Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 4.30pm:
- Sister Linton: 01642 854345 or 01642 854533
Haematology secretaries at James Cook
Telephone – Monday to Friday:
- Dr Moulton, Dr Norouzi, Dr Robinson, Dr Wood: 01642 854377
- Dr David and Dr Plews: 01642 854381
- Dr Dang, Dr Maddox: 01642 854139
Admin support at the Friarage
Telephone: 01609 763051
Local information and support groups
- Macmillan Support and Information centre
The James Cook University Hospital, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm
Telephone: 01642 835674 - Macmillan Support and information Centre
Friarage hospital, Monday to Thursday
Telephone: 01609 764033 - North Yorkshire Haematology Support Group
Patients with myeloma and other haematology cancers and their families meet monthly to share experiences and information. They meet at the Golden Lion Hotel every third Wednesday of the month. Open to all patients who are looked after by staff in the South Tees Trust. For details please contact Mr Graham Lane.
Telephone: 01609 760191 or email: [email protected] - Teesside Myeloma Support Group
Patients, relatives and carers meet every two months in the Haematology Day Unit at North Tees Hospital to share experiences, information and helpful advice. This can provide an opportunity to share information and experiences with other patients, carers and family members in an informal and supportive setting. For details please contact the Macmillan myeloma specialist nurse, telephone: 01642 624697 - Teesside Lymphoma Support Group
Patients, relatives and carers meet once a month in the North Tees Hospital Haematology Day Unit to share experiences, information and helpful advice. This can provide an opportunity to share information and experiences with other patients, carers and family members in an informal and supportive setting. For details please contact the Macmillan lymphoma specialist nurse, telephone: 01642 624697
Patient experience
South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust would like your feedback. If you wish to share your experience about your care and treatment or on behalf of a patient, please contact The Patient Experience Department who will advise you on how best to do this.
This service is based at The James Cook University Hospital but also covers the Friarage Hospital in Northallerton, our community hospitals and community health services.
To ensure we meet your communication needs please inform the Patient Experience Department of any special requirements, for example braille or large print.
T: 01642 835964
E: [email protected]