Full title
Orthopaedic Trauma Hospital Outcomes – Patient Operative Delays: A prospective multicentre service evaluation of trauma burden and resources.
There is a lack of recent, national data assessing trauma workload, theatre capacity and waiting times for trauma patients.
There is national guidance to standardise waiting times for some groups of patients, but not others. In the case of hip fractures, there is good compliance with these targets, yet national compliance with others is unclear.
The recent pandemic has had a profound and enduring impact on the ability of surgical teams to manage cases promptly and effectively.
What we are doing
This service evaluation will capture all patients (adults and children) undergoing an operation following bony, ligamentous and joint injury or musculoskeletal sepsis (including hands and spine)
The service evaluation aims to define and quantify the current orthopaedic trauma workload across the UK.
As well as to describe the number of trauma inpatient and ambulatory operative sessions at unit level across the UK, and the average time to surgery for individual fracture groups and assess if there is a variance both between and within units.
Finally, it will assess if time to surgery for specific fractures is compliant with NICE/BOAST guidelines.
Project lead
Mr Will Eardley
Trainee lead
Mr Thomas Baldock
British Orthopaedic Association (BOA)
South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in collaboration with the British Orthopaedic Association (BOA)
Current status
Data cleaning