The Board of Directors is committed to ensuring practitioners and volunteers are enabled to raise their concerns regarding the welfare of the children and families they work with and to work in partnership with local agencies where we cannot provide the required level of support alone.
At all times the needs of the child will be paramount and whenever possible practitioners will work in partnership with families.
Policy, procedure and training
The trust has in place a range of policies and procedures to help staff safeguard and promote the welfare of children and unborn babies. All staff and volunteers receive safeguarding training at a level appropriate to their role and contact with children.
Named professionals
The trust has in place a named nurse for safeguarding and looked after children and a named midwife, supported by a safeguarding children team. The named doctors for safeguarding have allocated time within their consultant paediatrician role.
Board level lead
The chief nurse is the board level executive director lead for safeguarding children and is supported by the assistant director of nursing (safeguarding). The board receives an annual safeguarding report and additional reports as necessary.