PPE requirements
When within two metres of the individual and carrying out direct personal care to a resident who is COVID positive, isolating or has respiratory symptoms (For example giving physical care where there is a risk of contact with body fluid, coughing and sneezing):
- Single use fluid repellent surgical mask – single use and changed between each resident
- Disposable plastic apron
- Disposable gloves
- Eye protection (can be single use or cleaned between each resident if reusable)
When delivering personal care less than 2 metres with residents that are not COVID positive and have had a negative test:
- Fluid repellent surgical mask
- Disposable apron
- Disposable gloves
When within 2 metres of anyone:
- Fluid repellent surgical mask
Please use a Yellow cleaning equipment to clean isolation room as per guidelines.
Donning (as per guidelines) on entering residents room – PPE to be stored outside of bedroom.
Doffing (as per guidelines) takes place before leaving the room – please keep clinical waste bin just inside the bedroom to allow doffing on exit.
Personal hand sanitizer is required to ensure hands are free from infection before leaving the room.