Specialist Weight Management Service
Support within SWMS
SWMS Physicians
- Assess for other possible causes of obesity.
- Review other illnesses, conditions and medications.
- Assess for possible medication interventions.
- Assess suitability for bariatric surgery.
- Assess physical, mental and social concerns.
Psychology Professionals
- Conduct psychological assessment and understand a person’s difficulties relating to eating and weight.
- Identify specific eating disorders and provide appropriate management within the service.
- Psychological intervention.
- Sign posting to appropriate therapies and support.
- Dietary assessment and individualised advice (1 to 1 and education seminars) and appropriate weight loss strategies according to the latest scientific evidence.
- 1 to 1 assessment & individualised exercise advice.
Senior Support Worker
- 1 to 1 support (behaviour change and motivational advice).
- Wellbeing Groups to support motivation.
Support Worker clinics
- Drop in weight checks at all venues.
- 6-month bariatric surgery progress reviews.
- Reviews post-dietitian seminars.
Bariatric surgery
Bariatric surgery can be a useful tool to help people lose weight and maintain their weight loss. People with a BMI of more than 35kg/m² may be eligible for bariatric surgery. It may be particularly beneficial to people with a BMI of more than 50kg/m².
Referral criteria for Bariatric Surgery:
- You must work with SWMS and engage well for 12 months.
- Lose 10% of your excess body weight.
- Non-smoker (off all nicotine products, including Vaping).
- Be assessed for Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (we will start this process from your initial assessment).
Weight management medications
We understand that many people are enquiring about weight management medications such as the GLP-1 receptor agonist drugs, like Wegovy & Saxenda. Since the publication of NICE guidelines regarding these medications, there has been much media interest. These drugs are NICE approved, but they are not currently NHS resourced. The SWMS is not currently commissioned to provide these medications, and this service is not able to provide prescriptions.
Regional commissioners are working on those issues with all the stakeholders and more information may come in the future from the Integrated Care System (ICS) for the region.
Commitment to weight loss
SWMS requires that people are committed to focusing on the necessary areas to lose weight, and to attending their appointments. We understand that, at times, appointments need to be cancelled or rearranged. However, this must be done in accordance with our policy, outlined below:
Did Not Attend (DNA) Policy
- One non-attendance:
You will be sent a letter or text message, which you must respond to in 28 days, or you will be discharged. - Two non-attendance’s in 6 months:
Immediate discharge (with the absence of exceptional circumstances).
Cancellation Policy
Please note that SWMS is a high-demand Service. Therefore, if you cancel 2 appointments within 6 months, without exceptional circumstances, you will be discharged from the service.
Further information
Travel Expenses
Some people may be able to claim back the cost of their travel to SWMS clinics. To find out if you are eligible, please call the cashiers department at James Cook University Hospital on 01642 854267 Monday to Friday, 10am to 3pm.

15 Step Challenge
First Impressions Count!
Please scan the QR code shown, for information on how to give feedback on South Tees’ 15 Step Challenge. This is to help us identify improvements we could make to enhance patient experience.
Contact us
If you require further information please contact us on the details below:
Telephone: 01642 944679
Email: [email protected]
Please note our opening hours (excluding Bank Holidays) are: Monday to Friday, 8:30am until 4:30pm.
Patient Experience
South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust would like your feedback. If you wish to share your experience about your care and treatment or on behalf of a patient, please contact The Patient Experience Department who will advise you on how best to do this.
This service is based at The James Cook University Hospital but also covers the Friarage Hospital in Northallerton, our community hospitals and community health services.
To ensure we meet your communication needs please inform the patient experience department of any special requirements, for example; braille or large print by emailing: [email protected]