- For the first few days after your back pain starts, modifying or reducing your activities may help. However, there is strong evidence that keeping active and gradually returning to all your usual activities and exercise is important to help your recovery. For some examples of exercises see our patient information webpage or try any other form of exercise you enjoy for example walking, yoga, gardening, swimming and cycling.
- It is normal to experience some pain during your recovery. Remember hurt doesn’t always equal harm and your back is strong and resilient.
- Try to stay at work, or return as soon as you are able. Sometimes a graded return can be helpful. Speak to your employer or health professional about this.
- Changing position regularly may help. For instance, if sitting causes pain and your job involves long periods of sitting, moving around more and adopting varied and relaxed postures may be helpful.
- Good sleep habits and managing stress can help you cope better and help your pain.