Our aim is to see each child and young person in the best possible setting for them.
We offer most of our appointments in schools, nurseries and homes. We will sometimes see children in more than one setting to allow us to see a more rounded picture of their communication.
It is so important that children and young people are within language and communication rich environments both at home and in education. This will ensure that the most progress is made in their communication, speech and language development.
The child or young person’s home
We typically see our younger children and children who are not in nursery or school within their own home. This may be their family home or a foster home.
Nurseries and childminders
For those children attending an early years setting, we often visit them there at a time they attend.
Mainstream schools and colleges
For school aged children, most appointments are offered within school as part of their school day.
Specialist units within mainstream schools
Some children attend specialist units within mainstream schools and we aim to see children there as part of their school day.
Specialist schools and colleges
When children attend specialist settings, we aim to see children in that setting and work as part of the multi-disciplinary team working with the child or young person.
Clinic settings
We invite some children to attend their appointments in clinic settings. This is more likely when seeing someone from one of our specialist teams.
Our specialist team supports babies with feeding difficulties on the neonatal ward at James Cook University Hospital. Children with other feeding and communication difficulties are seen on the children’s ward within James Cook University. Children may also be seen in specialist multi-disciplinary clinics within the hospital setting.
Some children with complex needs access respite centres and we are able to visit them there to share targets and advice with the people who support them.
DrDoctor video consultations
The COVID pandemic and lockdown allowed us to find new ways to see children, young people and their families and we are now able to offer appointments via this online platform, where appropriate.