Virtual infant feeding workshops
Did you know that we run virtual infant feeding antenatal workshops every fortnight?
The session covers:
Getting to know your baby in pregnancy
Baby brain development
Skin to skin
Responsive feeding and baby’s first feeds
Getting off to the best start with breastfeeding
Accessing help and support

Put the kettle on, put your feet up and join us for a relaxed and interactive session with your maternity team. Children, partners and pets are welcomed to join you on screen. There will be plenty of opportunity to ask questions and chat to others in the group.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Who can book?
Anyone that lives in the South Tees area (Middlesbrough, Redcar and Cleveland and North Yorkshire) or anyone planning to give birth at James Cook or the Friarage. You must be at least 28 weeks pregnant at the time of session.
To book email us at [email protected] or call 01642 854880.
Antenatal colostrum collection

Did you know that we encourage all women to try to collect colostrum during pregnancy?
Regardless of how you choose to feed your baby, colostrum is the first milk that you produce from during pregnancy.
Colostrum is the perfect first food for your baby.
It is packed with valuable nutrition and protection for your newborn baby and has a number of health benefits, including protection from a number of harmful infections and diseases.
Read our colostrum collection information during pregnancy to find out more.