The midwifery-led MAU team provide individualised care for women attending with problems including raised blood pressure, reduced fetal movements, vaginal bleeding after 12 weeks of pregnancy, pain and any other concerns directed to MAU by the community midwife, GP or through ringing the maternity advice line.
Midwifery practitioners also undertake ultrasound scanning for women booked in by their community midwife for having a small fundal height (being suspected of being a small baby).
Women can also referred in the postnatal period with problems such as retained products of conception (RPOC), bladder problems and wound infections.
The MAU does not care for babies and if you have any worries about your newborn please ring the postnatal ward on 01642 854876.
The MAU is situated on the ground floor of The James Cook University Hospital, accessed via the maternity entrance.
New maternity triage line
The new maternity triage line has been officially launched, making it easier for pregnant individuals to access the most appropriate support and advice when they need it.
The triage line for urgent advice will be available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
You should call 01642 854206 if you are pregnant or up to 42 days postnatal and are experiencing:
A change in your baby’s movements – if the pattern of movements changes or baby’s movements slow down
- Leaking of fluid (You think your waters may have gone)
- Bleeding 13 weeks and over. If you are 12 + 6 weeks under, please dial 01642 835504
- Abdominal trauma
- Increased bleeding postnatally
- Persistent severe headache
- Blurred vision or seeing spots/stars
- Swelling in the face, hands or legs
- Sharp or continuous abdominal pain
- Contractions or cramps
- Pain when passing urine
- Itching on hands or feet
- High temperature
- Increased bleeding postnatally
- Wound infection
- Signs of psychosis or an acute disturbance of mental health
- Baby with Jaundice who has become more sleepy or not feeding as well as they were
Continue calling our maternity advice line on 01609 763093 for all other non-urgent enquiries, which will remain open from Monday to Friday between 9am to 5pm.
Visiting hours: One person only to accompany you to MAU please