Referrals and appointments
We accept referrals from qualified healthcare professionals at private practices. Referrals are to include a covering letter stating:
- the patient’s name
- the patient’s contact details
- a diagnosis
- the area requiring photographs
- the preferred output image format (CD or prints)
Once a referral is received, we will contact the patient and arrange a suitable appointment date.
Informed consent
The requestor will need to gain informed consent from the patient before they attend the medical photography department.
Image storage and confidentiality
The medical photography department store the original clinical photographs or video recordings on the secure trust database. Please inform us if you prefer to make alternative arrangements.
Copyright of the clinical photographs taken at South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust belongs to the private practice referring the client.
- Clinical photography prices for private patient referrals start at £45 plus VAT.
- Please contact us for further information on our prices.
- Please ensure that patient referrals include suitable invoice details.