Min. volume (paediatric min. vol.)
Turnaround time
4 hours if Pre op
The sickle gene has greatest frequency in African and Afro-Carribean people, but it also occurs in India, Greece, Italy, Turkey, Cyprus, and Spain. Patients should be screened for the presence of Sickle Haemoglobin ideally before surgery as low oxygen states will precipitate sickling in a homozygous condition. The patient will require special care regarding hydration, acid base balance and oxygenation.
The haematology lab offers screening with confirmatory testing for Sickle and Thalassaemia. An EDTA sample is required and the test requests should include a FBC as well as Sickle/Haemoglobinopathy screening.
Precautions will be taken when handling all blood samples, but special precautions will be taken when dealing with High Risk. These samples should be marked with High risk stickers and the clinical details stated on the request form.
Known CJD and query CJD patients will only be analysed after agreement with the consultant haematologist who will then advise the laboratory of which tests are required.
Please note
Phone haematology (55691) if pre-op, Send sample ASAP.
Analysing laboratory
The sickle gene has greatest frequency in African and Afro-Carribean people, but it also occurs in India, Greece, Italy, Turkey, Cyprus, and Spain. Patients should be screened for the presence of Sickle Haemoglobin ideally before surgery as low oxygen states will precipitate sickling in a homozygous condition. The patient will require special care regarding hydration, acid base balance and oxygenation.
The Haematology lab offers screening with confirmatory testing for Sickle and Thalassaemia. An EDTA sample is required and the test requests should include a FBC as well as Sickle/Haemoglobinopathy screening.
Precautions will be taken when handling all blood samples but special precautions will be taken when dealing with High Risk. These samples should be marked with High risk stickers and the clinical details stated on the request form.
Known CJD and query CJD patients will only be analysed after agreement with the Consultant Haematologist who will then advise the laboratory of which tests are required.
Samples taken during difficult venepuncture may give erroneous counts. Platelet counts are especially affected. Occasionally EDTA (Purple FBC bottle) can cause platelets to clump, falsely lowering the platelet count. Sodium Citrate (Blue Coagulation bottle) can sometimes provide a more accurate platelet count. If this sample is requested by the lab, an EDTA and Sodium Citrate sample should be sent together as only the platelet count will be accurate on the Sodium Citrate sample due to dilution effect.
It may not be possible to provide accurate results on short, clotted or haemolysed samples. These may be rejected with an appropriate comment. Lipaemic samples will require special procedures to obtain accurate results, a slight delay in the turn around time may occur with these samples.
Samples must not be exposed to extreme temperature e.g. next to heat source, left in direct sunlight or frozen.