The James Cook University Hospital is a well-respected and popular site for training.
We are lucky to have a steady stream of enthusiastic trainee anaesthetists rotating through all of our departments, including those of our sister hospital, the Friarage at Northallerton.
Our trainees range from brand new starters (year 1) to those who are about to become consultants (year 7).
We also take trainees from associated specialties for shorter periods of anaesthetic training.
Training in anaesthesia is one of the most closely supervised training schemes in medicine. Trainees are never allowed to practice without supervision until they have clearly demonstrated their competence.
Training in anaesthesia is carefully planned using specialist attachments or modules to ensure trainees cover all areas before they graduate to consultant status.
Progress through training is continually monitored by a number of means, including:
- Assessment of competency in specific areas using nationally agreed standards
- Regular meetings with a named educational supervisor
- Regular written assessments of performance by the consultants in the department
- Regular assessments of progress organised centrally by the Northern School of Anaesthesia in Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
Patients and relatives can be assured that trainee anaesthetists at South Tees are only allowed to practice within their capabilities.
They will always be supervised to an appropriate degree, according to their level of training, and the support of a consultant anaesthetist is always available.