How is a BCHI fitted?
- Involves a surgical procedure performed by the ear, nose and throat (ENT) consultant (however, there is a non-surgical option in certain cases).
- The surgery is performed under local anaesthetic for adults (the patient will be awake and the area is numbed) or general anaesthetic for children (the patient will be asleep).
- Patients tend to go home on the same day and will be given advice on caring for the abutment site.
- One week after surgery you will have a review with the surgical team.
- Three weeks after the procedure the sound processor will be fitted by the audiologist.
- Ongoing care of the abutment site is provided by the BCHI nurses in ENT.
- There are three different methods of performing the surgery, the technique used will be determined by a range of factors including age and general health.
- For all techniques a small area of hair around the implant site is shaved and the area where the implant will be is marked with a pen.