The Macmillan Cancer Support and Information Service is staffed by health care professionals and trained volunteers who are able to offer support and information to anyone who has been affected by cancer in a safe and confidential environment.

It is a drop-in service, so no appointment is necessary and we can provide information that covers the whole of the cancer journey, including pre-diagnosis, diagnosis and treatments, living with and beyond cancer, palliative and end of life care.
We can advise on finance and benefits, refer to the Macmillan benefit adviser and signpost to other local agencies and local/national support groups
Our literature is available in different languages and a range of formats eg CD, Braille, and we have some which is suitable for those with special needs.
We can also offer guided internet access.
How you can contact us:
The James Cook University Hospital
Open: Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm, except Bank Holidays.
Tel : 01642 835674
Email: [email protected]
Friarage Hospital
Located in The Sir Robert Ogden Centre
Open: Monday to Friday from 9am to 4pm, except Bank Holidays.
Tel: 01609 764033
Email: [email protected]