Children can be referred by their paediatric consultant or dietician. Children should be referred by the referral form on WEBICE.
Referral criteria
- Naso-gastric tube fed for more than three months (post term)
- For those children where a gastrostomy is being considered to enable MDT consideration
- Persistent faltering growth on enteral feeds despite dietetic input*
- Non-resolving gastrointestinal symptoms on enteral feeds*
- Food aversion with faltering growth or concerns about nutritional content of diet.
- Referrals can also be accepted for tube weaning
*Paediatrician to have already considered possible medical or social factors
If it is not felt that the referral is suitably for the feeding clinic, it may be suggested that the child is referred to the local paediatric gastroenterology clinic or referred to the regional paediatric gastroenterology service.
Children with neurodisability identified by the consultant community paediatrician or school nurse with concerns regarding faltering growth, feeding concerns and or food aversion should initially be referred to community dietitian for review.