On the neonatal unit we are committed to ensure UNICEF’s Baby Friendly standards are achieved to sure excellent care provision for you and your baby. This enables us to support you and your baby with feeding and building close and loving relationships.
We support all parents, however they chose to feed their baby. We believe you and your baby should have a positive and rewarding experience whether you breastfeed or not.
For premature babies, breast milk is especially important and is a precious gift that only oyu as a mother can give your baby. Breast milk is easier for you baby to digest and contains antibodies to help protect your baby from infection and help brain development.
The nurse caring for your baby will provide you with the equipment needed and support you to use these facilities. We can loan you a breast pump to use at home.
This pump must be returned to us before your baby is discharged home. you can exclusively breastfeed you baby when they are ready, or give you breast milk by bottle.
If you have chosen to bottle feed your baby formula milk, we will teach you the correct way to make these feeds.
All staff are experienced and trained to support your feeding journey.