Fractured bones
- Surgically repaired eg with pins plates or wires
- Conservatively managed(link to fracture management)
Tendon injuries
- Tendon repairs (hyperlink to Tendon Management page)
- Tendon transfers
- Mallet deformities (hyperlink to mallet finger page)
- Boutonniere deformities
- Swan neck deformities
- Nerve injuries
- Nerve repairs
- Nerve compression syndromes eg carpal tunnel syndrome (hyperlink to CTS page)
- Small joint injuries
- Ligament injuries
- Volar plate injuries (hyperlink to volar plate leaflet)
- Dislocations(hyperlink to dislocation leaflet)
- Joint replacements and fusions
- Dupuytren’s disease(hyperlink to dupuytren’s leaflet)
- Trigger finger
- Burns
- Joint contractures and stiffness
- Scars
- Raised scars
- Hypersensitive scars
- Repetitive strain injuries
- Joint instabilities
- Arthritis
- Congenital hand deformities
- Painful hand and forearm conditions (including complex regional pain syndrome)