We have several charitable funds within the department which are administered by the overall trust charity – Our Hospitals Charity.
The purpose of these funds is to provide equipment and services over and above standard NHS funding provision.
It means that we can go the extra mile in providing some of the best and most advanced cancer care in Europe, making sure that our patients are as comfortable as possible during their time with us.
Our funds are raised for the benefit of patients, families and carers, and staff:
- STAR Fund (radiotherapy)
- Ward 14 Cancer Care Fund
- South Tees Chemotherapy Fund
- South Cleveland Cancer Research Fund
- The Mowbray Suite Fund
For example in the past we have used kind charitable donations from patients and the public to contribute towards funding the Family Suite on Ward 14 which now enables us to provide accommodation for some families to remain with their loved ones whilst they are patients with us.
Other examples include funding of radiotherapy positioning equipment for breast cancer patients which allows us to achieve even greater accuracy in treatment meaning better outcomes for – at the time of purchase we are the only unit in the UK to have this in operation.
We have also used funding to enable staff to attend advanced training and education courses allowing us to develop and implement new services and treatments as quickly and safely as possible.
How to donate or fundraise for us
For details on any of these funds please either speak to a member of staff within the department, or contact the trust charitable office on 01642 854296 or [email protected]
Ways to donate
- Online at www.justgiving.com/southteeshospital – referencing which fund you would like your donation to go towards
- Using a form available within the hospital
- In person by cash or cheque
- Contacting any of the areas you would like to donate to and speaking to a staff member
Donations to any of the funds above will be very gratefully received.