The trauma ward receives casualties from all types of accidents and injuries.
It is situated on the second floor of the hospital and accessed from the main mall.

The ward staff and the doctors who look after trauma patients have a lot of experience in treating and nursing patients following traumatic injury.
Depending on the type of injury, patients may need to spend some time in the intensive care unit either before or after their operation.
The staff on ward 36 are very used to dealing with patients and relatives who are undergoing stressful times and will provide help and support to aid recovery.
Many different surgical teams look after patients on the ward. Orthopaedic surgeons look after bone and joint injuries and maxillo facial surgeons have expertise in injuries around the face and jaw. These are our commonest injuries and these doctors are most commonly seen in and around the ward.
The accident and emergency department also look after patients on the trauma ward and they do a daily ward round of patients admitted under their care.
The ward can be contacted on 01642 854536.