By utilising our skills in electronic, mechanical and software engineering, we often design, build and test an array of different devices for use clinically, in research projects and to demonstrate brand new innovative ideas to commercial partners, universities and patient and public groups.
Much of this work happens in our dedicated medical physics engineering workshop by a multidisciplinary team of clinical scientists and clinical technologists.
Innovation and research
The clinical measurement team works closely with the hospital’s innovation co-ordinator by helping to bring staff ideas into fruition
The clinical measurement section is involved in harvesting these ideas from staff and helping to make them a reality, providing staff with the guidance, the tools and and the resources to bring their ideas into fruition.
We are involved in the development and testing of devices, improvements in the way services are delivered, and continuous quality improvement processes.
Improving patient care
Key to improving the care we deliver is finding evidence that new techniques and technologies are better than those that we currently use. The scientists in the clinical measurement section can identify opportunities to study such new techniques and technologies to gather this evidence. This can involve working with patients and members of the public to make sure that research activities are carried out safely and with the best interests of our patients.