The percutaneous coronary intervention specialist nurses are a team of nurses who are dedicated to providing expert care to patients who are suspected of having or have been diagnosed with coronary artery disease (narrowings in the hearts blood vessels) and require treatment for this.
The team provide nurse led services across the cardiology unit at The James Cook University Hospital, covering the outpatients department, day unit and cardiology wards.
They are involved in the care of patients who require angiograms and, or, angioplasty (balloons and stents) to treat coronary artery disease.
They are also involved in the care of patients who need treatment of tight heart valves.
People suffering from heart disease can access the heart services in a variety of ways and the specialist nurses team has input throughout this journey.
They cover elective planned procedures in the outpatient department following this through to admission and discharge.
They also see patients who have had a heart attack and require further treatment for this, again following the journey through to discharge and follow up.
The team are based at James Cook and consists of seven nurses working with nine angioplasty doctors.
They cover Monday to Saturday 7.30am to 8.30pm and work across the cardiology department with an office on the coronary care unit.
What do they provide?
Pre-admission clinics
The pre admission clinics are run by the specialist nurses and allow time for full explanation of planned procedures.
The appointment is usually one week prior to admission and is one hour in duration with all preparation for procedures completed. This includes physical examination and consent.
The specialist nurses also perform physical examination and consent for patients who need elective angiograms.
Follow up clinics
Patients that have undergone angioplasty are routinely seen by a specialist nurse for their subsequent follow up appointments.
The specialist nurse is able to assess and manage on going symptoms and discharge patients, if appropriate.
The appointment is planned for 20 minutes and if any consultant input is required the specialist nurse can ensure this happens.
Nurse-led discharge and prescribing
An essential part of the specialist nurse role is to ensure patients are informed of the outcome of any procedures and the plan following discharge.
This is especially important with regards to medications.
The team ensures that prescriptions are prepared timey and that education and information is clearly given to the patients prior to discharge.
The specialist nurses undertake nurse-led discharge on all appropriate patients following angioplasty ensuring streamlined care.
Ward cover for non-elective patients
Some patients are transferred from other hospitals for on going management of their heart problem, or are admitted directly as treatment for their heart attack.
The specialist nurses are involved in admitting and preparing this group of patients and discharging them in a the same way as described above
Patient helpline
All patients discharged after an angioplasty procedure are usually taking a combination of blood thinning tablets called anti-platelets.
It is important that these tablets are taken for the time advised.
They are given a ‘dual antiplatelet card’ to carry which has the team’s office number on to use for any advice.
This number is also available to other healthcare professionals to access if advice is required.
Telephone: 01642 854922