Our neurology service provides care and treatment for an extensive range of conditions affecting the nervous system.
We have a national and international reputation in many fields of neurological disability and chronic disease management.
The unit is based on Ward 34 (with neuro-rehabilitation beds on Ward 26). The service is run by highly qualified consultant neurologists, specialist registrars, doctors and a multi-disciplinary team including nurses, therapists and allied health professionals.
Ward telephone no: 01642 854534
Neurology day unit no: 01642 854569
Neurology outpatient department: 01642 854282
The ward looks after patients with a wide variety of neurological conditions, from planned (elective), emergency and non-emergency.
Diagnostics are carried out on the wards, as inpatient care.
We have specialist nurses in the following areas who assess and treat patients and run clinics.
The directorate also encompasses the department of neurophysiology which has two consultant neurophysiologists and stroke consultants.