Who we are?
We have two paediatricians with interest in gastroenterology providing care to local community served by South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
We have a nurse specialist who supports all children on Teesside with inflammatory bowel disease.
What we do
We provide assessments for children with gastrointestinal symptoms and provide treatment and follow-up for patients with the following conditions.
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) – joint care with Great North Children’s hospital
Coeliac disease
Functional bowel disorders
Gastroesophageal reflux not responding to general paediatric management
Complex constipation not responding to standard treatment as per NICE guidelines
Multiple food allergies presenting with gastrointestinal symptoms
Chronic diarrhoea
Rectal bleeding
Faltering growth with concerns about feeding
We also run a monthly adolescent IBD clinic with adult colleagues at James Cook University Hospital
Referral advice
We accept GP referrals via choose and book and referrals from consultant colleagues via letter.
Patients over 16 with possible IBD should be referred to the Dr Rosemary Thwaites who will arrange for appointment in the adolescent clinic if this is felt to be appropriate or will see them in the paediatric service initially.
Contact details
Paediatric Secretary
Tel: 01642 282713 or 01609 763274
Paediatric IBD nurse
Tel: 07776 160730
Adult IBD nurse
Tel: 01642 282462
Adult secretary
Tel: 01642 854860