We have an inpatient pain service that manages acute pain as well as a chronic pain management team for those with long-term problems.
What we do
The acute inpatient pain service
We will routinely see children on the ward after they have had operations where pain is anticipated to be an issue.
We will also regularly review any child who has a PCA device, an epidural or nerve catheter device.
We are happy to be referred any other child who has a pain issue whilst an inpatient in the hospital.
The chronic pain team
We hold both weekly clinics with the children and young people’s pain consultant and monthly team clinics with the wider specialist team.
After attending one of these appointments, patients may then undergo further therapy sessions delivered by our physiotherapist or psychologist.
Occasional other injections or procedures may be offered by the pain consultant which could take place in the pain clinic, on the children’s ward or in theatre.
Conditions we treat
We treat a number of painful conditions. This varies from short-term pain after surgery to complex long-term painful conditions. Further information about the complex conditions that we treat may be found in the pain management section of the website.
Where to find us
The acute inpatient pain service is found in the main theatre complex. The chronic pain department can be found between M&S and the hospital pharmacy on the main yellow corridor.
Referral advice for health professionals
For chronic or complex pain referrals please write to Dr Jen Noyes directly who will triage your referral to the appropriate clinic.
Useful links
- Using TENS for acute and chronic pain – information for patients and parents:
- Distraction information for acute and procedural pain
- Rethinking persistent pain – information for teenagers
- How to manage chronic pain as an adolescent
- Sleep hygiene – information for patients