Total protein concentration, preferably in 24-hour urine, aids in the detection of proteinuria. Proteinuria may be caused by renal impairment, systemic overload, or postrenal diseases. As well as 24 hour urine excretion of protein, some clinicians may request a protein : creatinine ratio (PCR).
Reference ranges
24 hour Urine Protein: < 0.15 g/24hours
Protein/creatinine ratio: < 20 mg protein/mmol creatinine
Specimen requirements
Sample type:
- Random urine in a plain, white topped universal container.
- 24 hour urine in a plain 24 hour urine collection bottle
Sample identification:
Three patient identifiers from
- Name
- Date of birth
- Address
- NHS number
- Unit number
should match on the specimen and request form. This check may be performed prior to centrifugation by the central sort department.
Turnaround time
2 hours